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President Ford, Bob Hope, and other heros

unknown.jpgOne of the pleasures of my life adventures are the, seemingly innumerable, diverse and interesting people I have met, and meet, along the way.

It is hard to say which experiences are more precious. Meeting the simple "unsung" heros, in life, or the "celebrated" renown figures.

From people like Ann Baker and all the lovely, caring, dedicated volunteers whom, for decades, have selflessly committed themselves to furthering the cause of empowering women and children that have been victims of domestic violence. For years this group has quietly served, asking for nothing in return, no recognition, no compensation. They only ask that you give, in order to help these souls in need. I consider it an honor to know them, and a privilege to have been invited to participate, and ultimately, produce their largest annual charity event, the WINGS Celebrity Classic.

It is hard to gain more renown than the President of the United States. Of the four US Presidents I have had the honor of meeting President Gerald Ford deserves a special mention. President Ford has not only served his countries top office but uses his platform to change and improve lives. Dedicating himself to supporting the efforts of first lady, and wife's, Betty Ford Center and the mission to help alcohol and other drug dependency persons, and their families, onto the road of recovery. Countless lives have been saved, and improved, because of their labor of love.

President and Mrs. Ford are consistently lovely and kind, taking care to show warmth and thoughtfulness for others. It is always a delight to see them, weather they are guests of honor at an event I am attending, hosting a fundraiser, or just seeing them in Palm Springs where they live much of the time.

Bob Hope, said to be the most recognized talent in Hollywood, has lifted the morale of thousands, starting a long standing tradition of, entertaining solders in time of war. Even in his absence the USO continues in the tradition that Bob Hope worked so hard to establish.

Bob Hope and his sweet wife Deloris, have always been gracious and generous.
From the first time I met the Hope's (at age 18) they were kind and hospitable.
Deloris leading me, and my young friends, into their Toluca Lake home's kitchen to make sure we had eaten.

I would see Mr. Hope frequently, over the years, at many events and happening -- and it's no wonder, as it's said that, "In the entire history of show business, no one has traveled so far, so often, to entertain so many."

I consider it a great honor to have met the amazing people that I have on my life's journey. Each day I seem to meet someone more incredible, from quite souls to the "bigger than life". I always enjoy sharing with people and learning, at least part of, their story. Coming away touched, or even changed, by each experience and seeing the beauty, that is surly, in everyone.

What we do in life echos in eternity.
- Maximus Meridius, "Gladiator" hero

Photo by Pat Olsen
Renown & pioneering photo journalist (joyfully retired), and my amazing Mom


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